Tuesday, February 6, 2007

5 years of hell; an enterity to go

Sir Edwards history ends here. There is nothing of importance in this dump to Earl. Nothing, nothing at all.

Sir Edwards awoke and screamed like a threatened child. There was a man looming over him. This man Stared at him, more scared of Earl than Earl was of him.

"Could...you...please...move.", said the man tremibling wearing a pale white face.
It seemed as if this man had been waiting here since Earl was knocked unconcious, why didn't he simply walk around?

Earl tried to stand up, but couldn't. He had broken his knees during the charge. He simply grabbed onto a radiator and pulled himself out of the way of the scared man.

The man stepped cautiously up the stairs, as if he was calculating a strategy for tackling the stairs. Earl would have thought this unusual for someone, but he was drained of all his energy to care.

Scrant just now noticed the pain in his head and knew he would have to make the descent up the stairs to his second floor room. Just as Teddy Roosevelt had charged up San Juan hill, Sir Edwards would have to make it to the top, or he would suffer.

Earl pulled at the wood of the stairs and pushed himself up enought to grab onto the railing. He then, little by little, pulled himself up to the top. It was the most excruciating thing Edwards had ever done. Each step, a little more painful then the next, but if he stopped, he would not have the energy to continue. When he reached the top, he was gasping for elusive air. Edwards kept pulling himself across the floor still thinking he was crippled, and made it to his room. He hoisted himself into his bed and dozed off.

When he awoke, Roger was sitting in a chair reading one of his books.

"You were out for quite a bit, do you even remember what happened? First, yo-", and Roger told him all that had happened.

Earl thought that was the dumbest thing he had ever endured. Earl tried to get out of bed, and fell. Sir Edwards still did not have control of his own legs, and this event convinced Earl he was actually crippled.

"I suppose I shall invest in a wheelchair."

1 comment:

mmallory said...

She was standing at the back of the elevator, leaning gracefully against the wall. Mamet stared in wonder at this beautiful creature. To him she looked like one of the elegant statues that was carved into the front of old ships, with proud eyes that radiated warmth, intelligence, and sadness. Mamet could tell that she was upset. Normally this wouldnt have phased him, however, her sadness radiated from deep inside those gorgous eyes and seemed to call out for his care. He wanted to make her happy again. It was a completely infantile thought and Mamet knew it. But it didnt change the fact that as he stared at the women from his dream, looking back at him with those eyes that held so much pride and pain, Mamet felt himself allowing his heart to feel for her. His eyes must have given him away because as he stared into hers, he registered some sort of recognition in them. This snapped him back into reality and he realized that he must have been stupidly staring at her for quite some time. Inwardly cursing himself, he stepped onto the elevator. As he turned toward the door, he caught another glimpse of her standing there. Up close she was even more beautiful than he could have possibly imagined. From far away she looked perfect, unblemished as though she had just floated down from the clouds. Up close he could see some minute, almost invisible imperfections that showed the life that she had lived. The layer of reality that these earthly imperfections added to her person, heightened his attraction toward her. As he reached for the button, she did the same and their hands brushed together. Instantly, Mamet felt as though electricity was surging up his arm and into his brain. It was as though his subconscious and his waking life had crashed together as he made contact with what had been, up unti now, only fantasy. It was the most sensual feeling Mamet had felt in a long time. But with this woman, the attraction wasnt simply sexual. This part still puzzled him, and yet the lightness in his stomach and his brain kept him from pondering over it too much. He wanted to speak to her, tell her that what ever was wrong, he could fix. Wanted to tell her that the forlorn look in her eyes was curable. He opened his mouth, ready to say something, but years of suppressed feelings, and walls around his emotions are not easily overcome, and the words wouldnt form. As he struggled, the elevator came to a halt and the doors slid open. Mamet exited the elevator, completely in shock by what he had just experienced. He was so dumbfounded that he didnt even look up to see Earl walking towards him across the lobby. The two collided and Mamet fell to one side. Murmering apologies, he walked out of the revolving doors, out onto the sidewalk, and toward the pub. He needed a drink.