Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Return

Earl Edwards awoke with a strange sensation, he could wiggle his toes. He could move his feet, he could walk! Edwards was tired of the five years of nothingness, his familie's history slowly fading. He was not ready to die poor and unsatisfied, that was not in the plans. Edwards wiped the dust of his window and looked out of it for the first time in a while.

That italian he kicked earlier in anger was walking around with deep thought writtien on his face. Edwards poured himself a glass of wine. The older frenchman he bumped into was strolling around. He took a big gulp. The man that he had to move himself out of the way for was avoiding cracks on the sidewalk as if they were instant death. A sip. Some man seemed to be observing the italian. The last few drops took a while to enter his mouth, but they made the trip. Earl knew that the Italian spelled trouble, but what was the trouble? Another glass was poured, and Earl spent the rest of the day just observing people.

It became night and Earl decided to read, but the cieling light that hung naked, unshrouded by the griminess of the room, was burnt out. Earl went down to frank to get a bulb replacement.
" A bulb replacement? Do you realize how easy it is for you? You have to worry about a lightbulb, and I have to worry at sleep or not if my kids are going to grow up into brats because their mother is..."
" I apologize I asked."

Earl quickly turned his heel and left the room and met roger coming his way.
"Earl, I have matters to discuss with you, there is a possibility of regaining your wealth.", and Roger told him of vast riches under the lot. Earl could not believe it, but he figured out the italian and the weird guy observing him. Something was going down, and Earl would have to wait to see what was what. This was one of the rare times Roger told him something useful, his speech was usually laced with insults and criticisms. Earl knew for some reason that this was true, or he chose to believe it. Either way, Earl was thinking of getting back to England.

He observed the Italian and other guy for a few days, played poker, and drank. Earl could not take this anymore. He needed for something to happen. Earl visited the bookstore apologized to the worker there that he screamed at earlier and picked up a few more books to read.

Earl was at the last poker game he would ever attend near thallow flats. He had pawned his watch and wheelchair. Earl was not dealt a single decent hand the whole knight. Sir Earl Edwards didn't care, he knew that he had wealth in his future. Earl then hit it big. He hook, lined, and sinkered someone in a pot and choked them for what it was worth. He was now up more than what he had bought in with. Scrant looked at all the chips in the pot, a multicolor affair. He pushed the chips to him, more and more; it was sensory overload for him. He began to laugh out-loud so hard that all the player's began to quickly get annoyed with the gitty Brit. The players without any vocal communication, decided to team up against Scrant. Even so, Earl was taking pots left and right, and was unstoppable. Eventually a man grabbed his shoulder.
" Sir you have won lots and are irritating the patrons of this fine institution, I might suggest that you leave."
"Oh, I have no intention of leaving."
"Well, that's too bad."
The man stuffed the money Earl Edwards had won in his coat and threw him out the door. Earl's face met the pavement, and felt his cheeks on fire. Earl rubbed them, but he couldn't subdue the pain. Roger came from behind him and grabbed his shoulder.
"It should happen pretty soon."
Earl payed no attention, he had a stack of money, things were looking good for him. He spent the rest of the day drinking in the tavern. Even though he was not pleased by the smoke, he needed to drink there.
Earl got bored and went out to the lot next to thallow flats. He was in a sea of gray. He kicked a few pieces of gravel but the gray stayed. Earl stood there and just looked up at the sky, it was clear blue. He watched the clouds slowly move and felt a force smack him to the ground. An explosion had happened. Earl Noticed little glistening specks of something invading the sky beginning to fall on his face.

Sir Scrant Earl Edwards lay there smiling.

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